El Salvador

Archbishop Oscar Romero

Oscar Romero was born on 15 August 1917 in Ciudad Barrios, a town in the east of El Salvador. He was the second of seven children. When he was thirteen he declared a vocation to the priesthood. In February 1977, Oscar Romero became archbishop of San Salvador. As Archbishop of San Salvador, Father Romero was a source of courage and hope for the impoverished and for the oppressed of his country. He saw numerous accounts of human rights violations and started a ministry that spoke out on behalf of the poor and victims of the country's civil war.He worked with them and for them. He took their battles as his own. He spoke for the people with passion and though faced with oppression, he never stopped fighting. He dealt with death and violence threats but never gave up on the need for justice. On March 24, 1980, Romero was shot and killed while celebrating the Eucharist. He was assassinated at the altar by a death squad soldier. Because of his strong stand for what is right, he became a saint not just for impoverished Salvadorians but for all struggling to conquer oppression and poverty. His sermons are still read as strong reminders of Christians' calling to fight for an ethical society. 

"It is my hope that my blood will be the seed of freedom and the sign that hope will soon be reality" The example of Romero's courageous life and ultimately death continue to inspire those who struggle for human dignity and justice
- Oscar Arnulfo Romero

A video of Oscar Romero in and about El Salvador

Fernando Llort

Fernando Llort was born in San Salvador on April 7th, 1949. He is a painter, composer, sculptor, performer and muralist. After graduating from the University of El Salvador with a degree in architecture he continued his studies in France. Being away from El Salvador proved to be an important stepping stone in Fernando Llort's life for it gave him a better knowing of his Salvadoran identity. He also later studied in the United States at Louisian State University. Upon returning back to his home country of El Salvador, he came across a lot of political and social instability. The country was just coming out of a 12 year civil war so the civilians were tense. He removed himself from these overwhelming problems and moved to the town of La Palma. It is located in the northern region of El Salvador and close to the border of Honduras. He is very famous for teaching the town of La Pampa and inspiring them through art. He taught them how to use art to make a living. This became the birth of a very artistic city.
    His art is very colourful and at times can be considered child-like. Llort has been apart of many exhibits, both individual and and collective. One can see his work displayed in venues such as the White House Museum in Washington, D.C., The Vatican Museum in Rome, Italy, The Museum of Modern Art in New York City and The Forma Museum in El Salvador.  

Fernando Llort in his expositions of art