El Salvador

Political Status

The Current President Mauricio Funes 
    The conservatives of El Salvador, along with some of the members of the military, started the Nationalist Republican Alliance party (ARENA) in 1981. ARENA almost won the election in 1984 and by 1989, ARENA had gained the support of business groups.From 1989 to 1994, Alfredo Cristiani's  administration achieved a peace agreement to end the civil war and to improve the nation's economy. This helped ARENA stay in office being led by former San Salvador mayor Armando Calderon Sol. ARENA's legislative position weakened in the 1997 elections but came back with strength in time to win the 1999 presidential race. This brought President Francisco Guillermo Flores Perez to presidency. Flores focused his energy on bringing the economy up to modern standards and strengthening  relations with the United States. With him Flores in office, El Salvador became involved in combating international terrorism. This included sending troops to help recontrct Iraq. El Salvador also played an important part in negotiations for the Central American Free Trade Agreement.
    With public anxiety of Flores’ policies and ARENA conflicts, the chief opposition party, the Farabundo Marti National Liberation Front (FMLN), was able to come into power in the March 2003. The FMLN was now in power but not for long. ARENA came out strong and defeated the FMLN candidate in the 2004 election. 
           On March 15, 2009, FMLN candidate Mauricio Funes became El Salvador's president, beating out ARENA candidate Rodrigo Avila. This was the first time since the 1992 peace agreement that ended the civil war that an FMLN candidate was won presidency and the first left-of-center government in El Salvador’s history. President Funes was inaugurated on June 1, 2009. El Salvador achieved celebrated stability and commercial growth in the 1990s, but its growth has declined for the past six years, making it progressively dependent on help from citizens living abroad. A 1992 negotiated peace agreement brought the country’s civil war to an end. It lasted for 12 years and resulted in the death of 75,000 people. The agreement officially assimilated the previous guerrilla forces, the FMLN, into the process.

The FMLN party organization website